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Nine Silts

Jed Munson


It’s not the case that

it’s always going to give you

the negation of the statement.


diatoms siliceous external skeleton

   pits or perforations


by the use of whip like locomotory organs.


longitudinal girdles, centrifuging

they screw themselves through the water


they     live outside

the scope of this poem, as


Contemporary light pours through a peeling

billboard on your way somewhere



Say something specific like hello to your neighbor,


            You remind me of myself without

my need for mirrors

                        breaking down boxes into boxes.


They were happy with the      sleeping arrangement

until the room rotated

around them, putting the bathroom down the hall

in their faces,


the tiles of trapped pennies glistering

as though by a light source




A thing to be reduced             through retrospect:

like burnout, prim with the Academy

of Influences.             I held my thought

to the             alley

wall, inverted

till change fell            through motion sensors

and I cried

at the thought of a scene


beyond my technical ability: A tiny house

of percussionists

            in argument.


cacophonies ordered

            precisely by their irrelevance

to nameable, visualizable


people-persons I’d tried being.


Three seasons have their way


A bachelor for a day

backs into the room pulling


on a cart—


(As a husband, he

from saved knees fixed things

from time’s tongued acquisitions.)


This clarifies

the lifespan I’m not qualified to make.


If I consider myself as doing the work

I see the building I’m doing it in

I see a concert pianist

redacting sorrow from her corner

of the café


and me,

ego from mine.


If I get COVID from this table,

I will blame the sum

of wood that put it there, the sun

of all I would: I will complain

politics was everywhere soaking

my clothes—


I will light five



in a cave to view the walls

in the flash before they’re gone.


I will call the sequence

art’s deafening

and misspell everything

Negotiate the animal in the field as it burns

without mention

of the party line



                        our interns

beyond explanation: a fate-like prism

     of deep-sea glow


            settling into a murmur

            as if a mud.

Thanking the pit too many times—is me.

            If your state lags

after status like an oar at the end of its arc


the riddle tone

admiring the garden?


Probably dotage shrank

your lungs

and the secret agents we’re supposed to be left

standing in art



            refers eventually, its descent

to everything

like tetras before our cries and songs


Because of Trilce

I know nothing but suspect

the clovers.


            pure traction that gains

   no ground,



            how a gourd lifts water

before gulping

air’s menagerie of cables


Are you making careful, well-adjusted statements?


Three geopolitical trilogies

            do their thing.

I thank the bug for defining my exterior


The non-native speaker says,

            I don’t think it’s about accomplishment,

  I don’t know if accomplishment’s

  the right word—

the pushback is the perfect moment

            to use the word lip

of ground pursed

from avalanching


I make a suggestion?

says the native speaker, her voice suggestive

of a master

class or two.


She says, Help.


in fluent French

to an intimate but stately room

of intellectuals

who may or may not be considering her

for a distinguished promotion,

            I’ve been living out of pocket, you see

these nuts in my cheek?


Meanwhile the children are playing war games

                        in a war

without the orange caps

mandated elsewhere.


Cranes are rising into indecision, shitting metaphors


This is an emergency

forgetting the procedure


in case of itself. I was taught the goal

is the last pass into the goal.


the sink

the last



This is the last self


reflexive thought I can afford

to lose


to judgement


This is the last This

before the first tones of autumn



transition out of riff

into a corpus.


And my whole family’s waiting there

for me to sleep


The animal wanting a new life

descends an escalator


into one. It sees ribs of sun

Along a corrugated panel

Sheathing closure.


It’s not for me to decide

which one of us has had enough

with the other

doors open at a clap of meat

on a counter


It moves relative to me.


Two large panels of cityscape

explain how I should approach

my eyes


widen the distance between them


The world is external to her

while she sleeps,

I imagine

I’m awake to observe this.


I’m not trying to disorient you

to make you nervous,


I’m trying to communicate

How to dodge the rain you stand in


: recognize

The whole earth

as it rises through a grid


The unreality of clouds


The frustrated party latches

                           An off-perfect triangle


to the dark in translation

it sways like the caseload waiting address


In my digression, I left you

my everything

                In that barn behind the paddy

where the images take

turns    taking place in their worlds.


I came on grant money

and left with half

my liver—a little


Where winter rose to shackle

I left at first light.


I would never lean this on a car.


This belongs to legs

that’ve suddenly come everywhere


Jed Munson's chapbook, Newsflash Under Fire, Over the Shoulder, was published with Ugly Duckling Presse. Recent work is forthcoming in Afternoon Visitor and Bat City Review.

Note: italicized text in the first poem has been excerpted from The Open Sea: The World of Plankton by Alister Hardy